Thanks the gods Biscoff biscuits are vegan, right? Also this is a no-bake cheesecake, you’ve been warned.  



  • 285g crushed digestives
  • 98g melted butter
  • 65g icing sugar
  • 170g vegan cream cheese
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 270ml vegan double cream
  • 4 tbsp biscoff spread  



  1. Crush your digestives and mix with your melted butter.
  2. Add to a lined tin. This is your base. Leave it in the fridge for 45 minutes.
  3. Cream together your sugars and cream cheese.
  4. Whisk your double cream in another bowl until it is thick.
  5. Add your cream cheese mix and double cream together and stir slowly.
  6. Add in biscoff spread and continue to stir.
  7. Add your mix into your tin and refrigerate for over an hour.
  8. Top with biscoff biscuits and melted spread.  


Additional notes

  • I use Elmlea’s plant-based double cream.